
Will You Intercede? As Long as There Is an Intercessor, There Is Hope is unavailable, but you can change that!

According to Derek Prince, the calling to intercession is one of the highest and most powerful ministries open to any believer. It requires boldness and conviction, as the intercessor comes “in between” God and the object of his righteous wrath. Prince exhorts believers to answer this calling and implore God for his grace and mercy.

Having read this passage, I now want to point out the main features of this situation and its implications for intercession. I have already suggested that we need to see Abraham’s posture. He was standing before the Lord—standing between the Lord and Sodom, as it were. He was, in effect, holding up his hand and saying, “Lord, don’t go any farther.” Next, we want to notice Abraham’s intimacy with the Lord. Elsewhere in Scripture, Abraham is called the friend of the Lord (Isaiah 40:8).
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